Where do you go when you lose consciousness?
You have a brain, a brain is a biological computational device running on electrochemical process. Your consciousness is an emergent property of said process.
In other words: you are electrochemical process. Fundamentally you have experience of continuous existence.
You are you, at this point in time. You have sensation of riding along this continuum of being you, into the future. On occasion brain can be subjected to trauma, temporarily discontinuing electrochemical process, such as a boxer being knocked out.
As this occurs the brain is no longer running. It’s electrochemical generating process. Hence consciousness is lost, you lose consciousness. Pay attention now:
At this point in time, your consciousness, all that is you… your continuum of being you has caused to exist in the physical world, now, moments later, the electrochemical process may start up again… allowing consciousness to emerge out of the information stored in the brain.
But I wonder. Where are you in the meantime? Must we not assume that at the point when consciousness is lost, the person dies? If a new consciousness appears or not in the same brain is entirely inconsequential to the dead consciousness.
The new consciousness is simply a new person, because it emerges from the same brain it has access to all the memories and cognitive structures… as the dead consciousness, so it thinks it is the same person. But in actuality it is just an impostor, inheriting the body and brain from the previous, now dead, inhabitant.
What about the soul?
Soul… There is no such thing as a soul. We are machines of biology. Nothing more, nothing less.
The soul is simply a pointless concept dreamt up by priests and fairy tale men.
[Il monologo di Tekla – Wolfenstein The New Order]
Hai coscienza di te? Delle tue azioni? Del tuo essere qui, ora?
Io assolutamente no, sono sempre persa in qualche delirio mentale, e costantemente in ritardo sulle interazioni altrui, perchè troppo presa a decodificare quale cazzo di strano pensiero mi ha attraversato la testa nel preciso istante in cui mi stavi dicendo che cavolo, il tuo vicino di casa è davvero insopportabile con le sue grigliate domenicali che ti affumicano le lenzuola appena stese!
Certe volte è massacrante starmi dietro, starvi dietro. Piuttosto che qui e ora vorrei sempre essere altrove in qualsiasi istante della mia giornata.
Mi piacerebbe essere uno dei miei pensieri, semplici impulsi elettromagnetici senza senso in giro nella mia rete neurale cerebrale, un po’ come quando apri la mappa e decidi di saltare qua e là per i portali, perchè ti sei stancato della storia principale e vuoi solo che il tuo pg cazzeggi in giro per rompere cose e cercare tesori.
Ancora e ancora e ancora.
Cosa stavi dicendo?